Visual Studio 2008 offers some out-of-the-box features that we can easily create a Treeview control in the form designer without writing much code. However if we need to (Most of time I believe we do) programmatically populate a Treeview menu, particularly if we want to populate a Treeview based on a database table, this does require some codes. In this demo, I am demonstrating how we can populate a Treeview control with database tables. The backend database is Oracle 10g R2, I use the employee table under HR schema. It shouldn’t matter which database you are using, as long as your table or view in hierarchy structure, for instance like:
100 Steven
101 Neena 100
102 Lex 100
103 Alexander 102
104 Bruce 103
105 David 103
106 Valli 103
107 Diana 103
108 Nancy 101
- Firstly in the form designer, we drag a Treeview control and make it dock left.
- Drag a Splitter control to the right hand side of the form and make it dock left as shown below.
- Drag a Panel control to the right hand side and make it dock top.
- Drag a Splitter control to the bottom right and make it dock top.
- Drag a third Panel to the bottom right and make it fill the rest of the screen as shown below.
- To populate the TreeViewNode, I am using a recursive function. The tag property is used to store the level of the hierarchy.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.OracleClient;
namespace TreeViewDemo
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
DataSet dsTreeView = new DataSet();
// Populate public DataSet
private DataSet PopulateDataTable()
string connectionString = "Data Source=orcl;Persist Security Info=True; "
+ "User ID=hr;Password=hr;Unicode=True";
string queryString = "select * from employees";
OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString);
OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(queryString, connection);
OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(command);
if (!dsTreeView.Tables.Contains("emp"))
da.Fill(dsTreeView, "emp");
catch (OracleException oex)
throw new Exception(oex.Message);
return dsTreeView;
// The level of tree
int intLevel = 0;
// Recursive function to populate Treeview node
public void FillChildren(TreeNode _Parent, int _ParentID)
DataView Data = new DataView(dsTreeView.Tables["emp"]);
Data.RowFilter = "manager_id = " + _ParentID;
// Define the image index in the lowest level
if (Data.Count == 0)
_Parent.ImageIndex = 2;
_Parent.SelectedImageIndex = 2;
foreach (System.Data.DataRowView foo in Data)
TreeNode t = BuildNode((string)foo["last_name"]);
t.Tag = intLevel;
FillChildren(t, int.Parse(foo["employee_id"].ToString()));
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Added node at level " + intLevel.ToString());
private TreeNode BuildNode(string Text)
return new TreeNode(Text);
private void LoadMenuTreeView()
DataView Data = new DataView(dsTreeView.Tables["emp"]);
Data.RowFilter = "manager_id is null ";
foreach (System.Data.DataRowView foo in Data)
TreeNode t = BuildNode((string)foo["last_name"]);
t.Tag = 0;
FillChildren(t, int.Parse(foo["employee_id"].ToString()));
this.treeView1.ImageList = this.imageList1;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void treeView1_AfterExpand(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
e.Node.ImageIndex = 1;
private void treeView1_AfterCollapse(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
e.Node.ImageIndex = 0;
Run the application, we will see a data bound treeview as shown below.
You can easily add some nice features, such as passing a parameter from a treeview to a DataGridView in the right screen or using a status bar at the bottom to display a tree node full path. Hopefully you find it useful. Happy coding.
hi thanks 4 ur rply......
ReplyDeletebut this example u used for database,
if i want to display simple forms on right panel after clicking on leftpanel(nodes or childs)..
so how can i do that?
plz give the code also, if possible
Hi anurag,
ReplyDeleteIf your treeview menu is not from a database table, you can do it easily in the designer. Drag a treeview control to the left panel and add the static items in designer. To open up different forms in the right panel, you need to make the form as parent, and create new forms as child, a typical MDI application. In your TreeView item AfterSelect event add:
// Declare the child form as a new one.
frmChild frm = frmChild.GetChildInstance();
// Set the main form as a parent form.
frm.MdiParent = this;
// Show the child form.
I don't have a working example right now, let me know if you need more help on this.
How do we populate the DataGridView from the treeView?
ReplyDeletenot a rocket science just 2,3 line code..
Deletesearch youtube
Binding TreeView control to data in C#.NET
ReplyDeletethat's good brother.....