Friday, 5 June 2009

OOP Basic: Polymorphism

Polymorphism gives us the ultimate flexibility in extensibility which is a basis of OO programming. Understanding Polymorphism is crucial to any OO language professional. The benefit of polymorphism is that you don’t need to know the object’s class to execute the polymorphic behaviour. We use polymorphism to achieve the late binding. For example, you may have many classes in an application, each with its own save method. When the application is saved, each object knows the class it belongs to and automatically calls the correct save method.

using System;

namespace Polymorphism
class Shape
public virtual void draw()
Console.WriteLine("Draw shape....");

class Circle: Shape
public override void draw()
Console.WriteLine("Draw circle....");

class Triangle : Shape
public override void draw()
Console.WriteLine("Draw triangle....");

class Rectangle : Shape
public override void draw()
Console.WriteLine("Draw rectangle...");

class Create
public Shape CreateShape(string str)
Shape s;
switch (str)
case "c":
s = new Circle();
case "r":
s = new Rectangle();
case "t":
s = new Triangle();
s = new Shape();
return s;

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Please type a Shape class you want to create: ");
string strShape = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("string is: {0}", strShape);

Create c = new Create();
Shape s = c.CreateShape(strShape);

In the above example, if we want to add a new class to draw Oval shape, we will have a class like:

class Oval: Shape
public override void draw()
Console.WriteLine("Draw oval....");

We want to be able to ‘plug-in’ this class into our application without having to make any code changes in the original code and call the draw() of Oval class during run time. By using Polymorphism, the only place we need to make the change is our Create method and we leave our client application code untouched.

Understanding polymorphism is key to designing scalable, plug-and-play architecture application.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Copying a DataGridViewRow to another DataGridView Control

Sometimes a simple task can be very tricky. Today I was trying to make a copy of DataGridView to another DataGridView, in the traget DataGridView I need to delete a few rows and possibly add a few new DataGridViewColumn(s), all these changes must have no impact whatsoever on the Original DataGridView object. Because of the nature of C#, object is passed by reference. So I cannot do things like DataGridView dgv_copy = dgv_original if I want to make some changes in the second DataGridView without affecting the original one.

What should I do? Firstly I need to create columns first, populate the DataGridViewColumns from the original to the new one. This is very straight forward, however when it comes to copy the rows. I came across a problem. The DataGridViewRow clone method does not work as expected. The Clone method copies the row and its property values, but does NOT copy the cell values that the row contains. So we have to write some code to copy the cell values. Please find the working example below and feel free to let me know should you have any queries.

private DataGridView CopyDataGridView(DataGridView dgv_org)
DataGridView dgv_copy = new DataGridView();
if (dgv_copy.Columns.Count == 0)
foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvc in dgv_org.Columns)
dgv_copy.Columns.Add(dgvc.Clone() as DataGridViewColumn);

DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow();

for (int i = 0; i < dgv_org.Rows.Count; i++)
row = (DataGridViewRow)dgv_org.Rows[i].Clone();
int intColIndex = 0;
foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in dgv_org.Rows[i].Cells)
row.Cells[intColIndex].Value = cell.Value;
dgv_copy.AllowUserToAddRows = false;

catch (Exception ex)
cf.ShowExceptionErrorMsg("Copy DataGridViw", ex);
return dgv_copy;

Dynamically display tooltips when mouse hover a DataGridViewCell in WinForm application

In one of my recent projects, a customer asked me to provide a dynamic tool tip depending on the DataGridViewCell that user have his mouse hovered. For a Windows Forms DataGridView, you can handle the dataGridView1.CellToolTipTextNeeded event and dynamically provide the tip text there.

dataGridView1.CellToolTipTextNeeded += new DataGridViewCellToolTipTextNeededEventHandler(data GridView1_CellToolTipTextNeeded);
void dataGridView1_CellToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, DataGridViewCellToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e)
e.ToolTipText = string.Format("tip for row {0}, col {1}", e.RowIndex, e.ColumnIndex);

Run the application, you would see a similar screen shot as below: